Shimmering Metallic Colors: This set of metallic acrylic paint has 24 great selection and vibrant metallic colors. Whether you are a beginner or a professional artist, these metallic acrylic paints can meet your needs for color, release your unlimited imagination.,Premium Metallic Pigmentation: These acrylic paints have excellent lightfastness and gloss finish. These highly pigmented colors could glide smoothly to produce true, consistent shades. And they won’t fade over time.,Versatile Purposes: These acrylic paints dry quickly and stay on surfaces extremely well, permanent, waterproof, and fade-proof, can be used indoors or outdoors, on walls, paper, glass, rocks, or other materials, suitable for everyone, from amateur to advanced to professional.,Safety Guarantee & Non-Toxic: Composed of environment-friendly paint materials, which accords with ASTM D-4236, providing certified safe for kids, teens and adults to paint.,Easy to Store & Use: Benefit from a sturdy flip-lid cardboard box, the paint set can be easily stored. Each bottle has a seal design to prevent leakage, and the flip-top squeeze bottle can easily control the amount of use and reduce waste.