This bracelet organizer is divided into three sections:24 holes for storing rings, three hollow compartments for lipsticks, perfumes, and other small items, and two cylindrical pillars for organizing bracelets and watches.,This bracelet holder impressive storage capabilities, allowing you to organize bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings neatly. It enables you to see the desired items at a glance, effectively saving you time and space.,The bracelet organizer is made of velvet, with a white and gold color scheme, enhances its aesthetic appeal and can decorate your dressing table very well.,This jewelry organizer is designed to sit directly on a tabletop, allowing you to place it in the bedroom, bathroom, on a dressing table or anywhere you desire.,Measuring 11.1 in × 5.39 in × 7.28 in, this bracelet organizer is designed to be stable and resistant to tipping over, ensuring the secure protection of your jewelry.