Multifunctional Airplane Car Toy for Toddlers: There are many ways to play with this airplane.It can glide a distance with a light push. On the other hand, expand it can be switched to the driving mode and it contains a simulated steering wheel, ID card, Aircraft throttle lever, calling machine,etc. All realistic details design allowing children to experience more gameplay.,Simulated Driving:Turn the key to start the engine,and control the steering wheel to turn left or right,honk the direction key to broadcast route,push rod,enjoy the take-off and landing.Kids will love this airplane toy to pretend he is flying through the sky.A detachable pager will make kids enjoy simulated driver paging dialogue.,Passengers Role-play Toy:Your kids can swipe the card to pretend to get on the plane and hear the multiple prompt sounds after swipe cards. Simulate the scene after getting on the plane,and learn more about flying through the game interaction.,Airplane Piggy Bank:Fun and motivating for children to save,the ideal way to make saving fun! Your little aviator will propel into saving with this airplane piggy bank.,Practical Gift for Toddlers:Made of safe ABS materials thickened materials,resistant to falling and smashing, smooth edges,no burrs,and non-toxic.This plane toy is great for kids ages 3,4,5,6 years old,as birthday presents,Christmas gifts,and shower gifts.