?️Exciting RC Stunts: Brace yourself for exhilarating stunts with the Carox 4WD RC stunt car. It drifts in all directions, glides sideways, and executes impressive 360-degree spins.,?Revolutionary Gesture Sensing: Take command with Gesture Sensing technology using a wave of your hand or our gesture sensing watch. Effortlessly control the car with intuitive gestures for an interactive experience.,?Premium Quality & Perfect Gifts: Crafted from high-quality, recyclable materials, the Carox 4WD is the ultimate gift for kids aged 6-12. Ideal for birthdays, Christmas, holidays, or Children's Day, it ensures every occasion is memorable.,??Extended Fun with Extra Batteries: Enjoy extended playtime with two rechargeable batteries included. Vibrant lights in auto-driving mode keep kids captivated and away from screens.,?4WD High-Tech for All Terrains: Featuring innovative 4WD technology and a bionic joint design, the car effortlessly conquers gravel, grass, and sandy beaches. Prepare for thrilling off-road adventures with the Carox 4WD RC stunt car.