Adjustable Three-Temperature Settings: Choose the perfect seat heating mode for any season with three adjustable temperature settings. Visual indicators in green, yellow, and blue represent each temperature level.,Uniform Heating Experience: The wave-shaped heating element is evenly distributed within the seat, combined with an NTC temperature control system for comprehensive and stable heating. Enjoy customizable comfort with three temperature settings: Summer (89.6°F), Spring/Autumn (93.2°F), and Winter (100.4°F).,3D Ergonomic Design: The seat is designed to conform to various body shapes, effectively eliminating pressure points and reducing muscle fatigue. This ergonomic design ensures maximum comfort for every user.,Energy Efficient: With ultra-low power consumption of less than 0.02Kw/h. Even if you choose to run the 38°C mode all day, the daily heating energy consumption is less than 0.5 kWh. This promotes an eco-friendly and cost-effective lifestyle.,Easy Installation: Featuring a quick-release button, this toilet seat can be easily installed or removed without professional help. Simply press the button for effortless installation or removal.