2-in-1 MagSafe Car Charger: YFYYF's innovative Magsafe Car Mount Charger serves as a dual-purpose solution, effortlessly powering up your iPhone and Apple Watch simultaneously. With the magsafe car charger, bid farewell to tangled cables and the hassle of searching for multiple charging ports while on the road.,Efficient 15W Fast Charging System: YFYYF's wireless car charger ensures rapid charging, boasting a robust 15W power output. With 15W dedicated to your iPhone and 3W for your Apple Watch, enjoy swift and efficient charging on the go. The magsafe charger car for iPhone guarantees a full charge in just 2-3 hours, keeping you powered up throughout your journey.,Secure Magnetic Lock: YFYYF's magnetic car charger provides a robust hold with powerful magnets boasting 1,800g of force. Enhanced by non-slip silicone, your iPhone stays firmly in place, even on bumpy roads. For extra stability, use an official MagSafe case, ensuring peace of mind, particularly on challenging terrain. Trust our MagSafe charger car mount for a secure driving experience.,Aluminum Alloy Body Design: The MagSafe car mount features an aluminum alloy body, ensuring excellent heat dissipation and faster charging speeds. This magnetic phone holder for car is crafted from a blend of ABS and aluminum alloy, incorporating LED technology, showcasing a seamless fusion of durability, style, and efficiency.,Optimal Viewing Angle And Stable Vent Mounting: The magsafe vent mount provides enhanced stability with upgraded steel hook clips, securely locking onto the vent blade to minimize damage. Equipped with full-ring magnets and adjustable ball joints, it offers versatile angles for the most comfortable viewing experience, making it the perfect magsafe phone mount.