Luxurious Design: iWALK combines all the functionality of a magnetic car mount with a premium appearance. With its high-end design, metallic texture, and shimmering charging light, it elevates the ambiance of your car interior.,Cushioning & Damping Technology: iWALK car mount incorporates automotive damping technology and is equipped with cushioning devices on the back, significantly reducing vibrations caused by bumpy roads. This ensures a clear view of your phone in any road conditions. It provides a firm and secure support that prevents dropping.,Triangular Stability Structure: The iWALK car mount is compatible with air vents in different car models and features an adjustable bracket. With its unique triangular stability design, the mount securely attaches to your car's air vent, providing a firm and secure support that prevents dropping.,Powerful Magnet: iWALK car mount features 12 pcs strong and stable magnets that securely holds your device in place, ensuring a steady grip even on rough roads. It guarantees signal reception while keeping your battery healthy.,Easy to Use: The iWALK car mount allows for one-handed operation and enables 360° rotation of your phone, ensuring easy and convenient use, providing you with maximum convenience during your driving trips.