Universal Compatibility: Easily mountable on various equipment with tubular handlebars, such as gym equipment, treadmills, Peloton bikes, strollers, and more.,Versatile Design: The Mag Safe mount can detach from the strap, allowing for a fixed phone holder on any smooth surface using the sticky metal plate base. Perfect for use in cars, on makeup cabinets, refrigerators, or walls.,Adjustable and Secure: The silicone strap offers an anti-slip, stretchable design, ensuring a secure grip and keeping your device within reach. Fits handlebars with an outer diameter of 0.5-1.5".,Superior Magnetic Force: With 17 N52 magnets, this phone mount provides an exceptionally strong magnetic hold. Effortlessly snaps your phone into place with perfect alignment, enabling convenient one-handed use during workouts.,Wide Device Compatibility: Compatible with all iPhone 12-15 series phones and cases featuring Mag Safe functionality. Includes a metal ring for non-Mag Safe phones or cases.,What You Get: The A2C Mag Safe Phone Mount with strap, replaceable adhesive metal base, metal ring for non-MagSafe phones, user manual, and personalized one-to-one customer service.