MONITOR STAND RISER FOR 2 MONITORS: This dual monitor stand can accommodate 2 monitors when you need multiple computers to work together. Unique slot design could hold tablet, cell phones and manage cables, pens, clips, and other office supplies.,UPGRADED PRODUCT DIMENSION: This monitor stand riser maximum 40.9 inch in length, holds up to 55 lbs, both increased by 15%. This dual monitor riser brings you a more convenient home and office life.,ADJUSTABLE LENGTH&ANGLE: Freely adjust the angle as you need. The length can be adjusted from the minimum 29.13 inch to the maximum 40.9 inch. This dual monitor riser could help you to form a comfortable sitting position and gain a better viewing experience.,ERGONOMIC DOUBLE MONITOR RISER: Raise your monitor by 3.9", helping you to keep a good sitting posture and prevent the possible stress on neck, back and shoulder during your long time of work.,LARGE DESK ORGANIZER: Lift your monitors by the desktop shelf, provides three storage spaces underneath to organize your office supplies and accessories like keyboards, office files, notebook, calculator. This dual monitor stand helps you to get rid of messy desk, and keep your working space tidy.