Reasons To Choose Our Air Duster: Our air duster is non-toxic and offers a more sustainable alternative to compressed air canisters for computers. It's a practical and effective tool that doesn't pollute the planet.,The Essential Electric Duster: Compressed air can be recharged and used repeatedly, making it more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than constantly purchasing canned air. Cordless electric dusters are a one-time investment, saving money while providing a permanent solution for air dusting needs.,Powerful And Effective Air Duster: In comparison to traditional air dusters, we have upgraded various interfaces to meet the needs of different scenarios.,Compressed Air Duster: Our cordless air duster with an electric nozzle is lightweight, compact in size, and ergonomically designed for comfortable handling. It's space-saving and convenient to carry around.,Electric Air Duster Powerful Performance: Upgraded motorised air duster with speed up to 150,000 RPM and air speed up to 42 m/s. Allows continuous operation for 13-120 minutes.