Free Your Hands: This cell phone lanyard package comes with 5 sets of adjustable phone wrist strap and phone tether tab. It allows you to free up your hand no whether you are in shopping, walking, biking, hiking or traveling. It can also prevent your phone from dropping or theft.,High Quality Excellent Durability: The phone strap was made of prime nylon material. All products have undergone multiple quality inspections to ensure their durability. Adjustable buckle allows you to easily adjust the length.,New Upgrade Style: Made of double special fabric and PVC reinforced pressed. More durable and sturdier. Each phone lanyard patch uses a high-quality adhesive tape backing for a strong, firm, long-lasting hold.,Easy to Install: Pass the lasso patch through the charging hole of the fully covered phone case, then tear off the glue adhesive tape and stick it in your phone case. Lastly, attach the phone wristlet with the phone lanyard patch.,What You Get: 2 black phone lanyards, 1 red phone lanyard, 1 blue phone lanyard,1 black & white phone lanyard and 5 phone tether tabs.