Keep Your Phone Organized and Accessible: Our phone holder compatible with Bogg Bag ensures your phone stays organized and within reach, preventing it from getting lost at the bottom of your beach bag.,Durable Silicone Material: Made from high-quality and durable silicone, our phone holder offers reliable protection for your device. It is built to withstand daily use and comes in five attractive colors to suit your style.,Patent Pending Design: Our holder is designed for easy installation with squeezable posts that firmly secure it in place. It is a great compliment to the bag insert and bag accessories charm.,Wide Phone Size Compatibility: Our phone holder is designed to accommodate various phone sizes, providing a perfect fit for popular models. Whether you have an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy, our cell phone holder covers your needs.,Convenient Placement Options: Enjoy versatile placement options both inside and outside your bag, allowing for easy organization and quick access to your phone. Our accessories also make great Mother's Day gifts.