UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: This vlogging kit for iPhone and Android devices is compatible with all smartphones via USB-C, Lightning, and 3.5mm connections. Perfect for seamless integration with your existing Android/iPhone recording equipment.,VXR10 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE: Capture high-quality sound with the Movo VXR10 shotgun mic, designed to minimize background noise and enhance audio clarity for your videos. Essential for any YouTube starter kit or professional vlogging setup.,RECHARGEABLE RGB LIGHT: Elevate your vlogging with a powerful, rechargeable RGB light, offering dynamic color options to enhance your video quality. Ideal for creating visually stunning content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.,COMPLETE VLOGGING KIT: Includes the VXR10 Shotgun Microphone with foam and furry windscreens, a rotating phone mount, rechargeable RGB LED video light, tabletop tripod, Bluetooth remote, 3.5mm/USB-C/Lightning output cables, and a travel case. This comprehensive set provides all the iPhone tripod and accessories you need for professional video recording.,PORTABLE & CONVENIENT: Designed for on-the-go creators, this kit is lightweight and comes with a travel case for easy transportation. Perfect for vlogging anywhere, anytime, ensuring you never miss a moment to capture.,DESIGNED FOR CONTENT CREATORS: Developed in Los Angeles by Movo, this kit is part of a full assortment of innovative gear for content creators. Proudly supporting the content creation community, Movo offers reliable and high-quality equipment to enhance your vlogging experience.