Both Hand Design - The large paddle switch design makes operation equally convenient for both left and right-handed users.,Copper wire motor - Brings 1.5X stronger power and high efficiency. Keeps work with low heating and high torqueing, even strong overload resistance with long time work.,High strength steel gears - Dual heat treatment improves gear hardness with high torque transmission and wear resistance. Helical design reduces noise and vibration, improves using time and reduces fatigue.,Cool and Clean Work - Stereoscopic air vent design makes longtime work with cool and enjoyable experience, and keeps dust from product surface and inner space.,Compact & Ergonomic - Compact design with lightweight and space-saving, ideal for tight spaces and easy transportation. Ultra-slim body provides comfortable handling and reduced fatigue during extended use.,Convenience & Safety - Dual auxiliary handle position provides more working methods and improves stability and additional burst-protection guard keeps work safe while working.,Compatible and General Use - 7/8" arbor size with 5/8-inch 11 spindle thread compatible with most of 4-1/2-inch accessories such as cut off wheel, diamond saw blade, grinding disc, flap disc, surface grinding wheel, etc.