All inclusive screwdriver set: Each electric screwdriver set includes (1) electric screwdriver with attached bits, (1) pink magnetic bubble level, and (1) charger. This is a great addition to any hand tool kit.,Bits are attached to screwdriver: The Pink Power 4 volt cordless screwdriver comes with a patented pivoting head which holds six connected screwdriver bits - two Phillips, two Flathead, and two Hex bits.,Pivoting handle for tight workspaces: This pink cordless screwdriver includes forward, reverse and locked positions. Its two-position handle and LED light enable better usage in dark or confined areas.,Battery gauge shows remaining power level: Our rechargeable screwdriver includes a 3.6V lithium ion battery that stays charged longer and packs more power than similar electric screwdrivers. The built-in battery gauge shows the remaining battery charge.,Includes small magnetic bubble level: This handheld battery powered screwdriver helps with tightening screws, hanging pictures and small around the house jobs. The magnetic bubble level helps improve accuracy and precision in all of your projects.