WIDE RULED - The patented design of these notepad manila folders has changed the paper filing game forever. The wide-ruled pocket offers a place to keep your notes and documents in one place.,12 FOLDERS - Enjoy 12 assorted third-cut file cabinet folders in each pad. The perforated top allows you to simply tear and file your notes easily and efficiently.,VERSATILE - Use these manila file folders to track work progress, organize project notes, or categorize files. They also make a great document folder for receipts, medical records, and recipes!,GET ORGANIZED - You'll never be more organized having your notes and filing products in one place! Use it as a clipboard folder, school planner, binder organizer, and more!,NEW YEAR, NEW YOU - Start off the new year with organization and efficiency. The Find It folder notebook helps you work easier and smarter to get the job done!
Find It File Folder Note Pads are revolutionary for the efficient organizer. The pages of this unique writing pad also double as an interior file folder, allowing you to keep your notes and accompanying information together in the same place. The 3rd-cut tabs allow you to label your files and organize them easily, so you'll always be able to find the file you need- fast. Find It helps you work easier work smarter! Whether you love to work and want to do it more efficiently or you prefer not to work and just want to get the job done, Find It products will help you get there quickly.