Get Organization in Style: This elegant folder with attractive color schemes definitely adds a pop to your workspace! Go for our folder with pleasant colors to brighten up your space and give a little flare to your life.,Made to Last: Reinforced plastic folders withstand tearing, flexible to stretch but firm enough to keep from getting deformed and creased. Snap closure increases its ease of use and access yet prevents your papers from slipping out.,Effortless Organization: This expanding file folder makes sorting and organizing your papers a breeze. 8 expandable pockets with tabs allow you to sort by subject or task. Sticky labels for easy labeling and tracking, enhancing your document organization and retrieval efficiency.,Upgraded Spine for Larger Capacity: This accordion folder with the expandable spine design is more stretchy to fit over 250 sheets without bulking up too much. Unlike regular spines that can easily get dented, our spine is made for quality and not easy to deform in transit.,Portable & Lightweight: 13 x 9.5 inches. Fit A4/letter size. Convenient size to carry around. An alternative for a binder to fit perfectly in your backpack without making it bulky. Easily take your paperwork to a meeting or school.