Your Everyday Note Pads - Whether it's for note-taking, brainstorming ideas, or making grocery lists, these notepads offer the perfect writing solution. They're must-haves at home, school, and offices.,A Smooth Writing Experience - Made from quality writing paper, each sheet allows pens to glide effortlessly. There's no ink bleed-through so you can still scribble on the back of a used paper.,Easier Writing & Reading - These 5x8" legal scratch pads are narrow ruled, meaning there's more space between lines. It can easily accommodate larger handwriting, which is much easier to read.,Effortless Sheet Removal - Detaching a sheet from the rest of the notepad is a breeze. The pad has perforations that allow you to quickly and cleanly tear off a page. No more unsightly kadoobies!,Superb Value For Money - Each pad has 50 blank pages. With 12 pads per pack, you’ll have several hundred sheets to write on. You don't have to worry about running out of writing pads any time soon.