What you will get: You will get a pair of vibrant red hand-shake bells, provides you with the opportunity to engage in a duet or share the joy of music with a friend or family member.,Good Material: These compact mini tambourines are made of plastic and metal, not only lightweight but also robust and durable. The percussion hand tambourines are designed to resist breakage and deformation, ensuring long-lasting use.,Convenient Size: Each handheld tambourine measures approximately 10 x 9.5 cm/ 3.94 x 3.74 inches, a size that is easy to carry and handle. Their convenient and ergonomic handles make them suitable for both adults and children.,Easy to Use and Play: These tambourines are designed with half moon shape, offer a sleek edge craft with a smooth surface and a safe handle. You can effortlessly create a bright and crisp jingling sound with a simple shake or strike.,Versatile Applications: These plastic percussion tambourines serve as a fun and educational rhythm tool. They're an excellent choice for music enlightenment, instrumental stage performances, dance parties, concerts, weddings, and birthday parties. Engage in a musical experience like no other with these small tambourines.