Handcrafted from smoked pottery - Each ocarina is carefully crafted by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, resulting in a unique, one-of-a-kind instrument that is as beautiful to look at as it is to play.,Stunning ocarina - The 12-hole alto C tuning is the most popular and versatile tuning for the Ocarina, making it suitable for a wide range of musical styles.,Easy to learn - With its straightforward fingerings and simple melodies, the Ocarina is an excellent instrument for beginners,Comes with a songbook for beginners to learn how to play this unique instrument.,Whether for yourself or a loved one, the Ocarina is a good choice that is sure to be appreciated and cherished for years to come. Its beautiful sound and unique craftsmanship make it a truly special and memorable present for any occasion.,Portable and compact design makes it easy to take your ocarina with you wherever you go, whether you want to practice at home or show off your skills on the go.Includes:1*Ocarina 1*Neck strap 1 *Songbook 1 *Show Bag