Package Includes: You will receive 12 egg shakers and 12 wrist bells. In a total of 6 colors: red, yellow, blue, green, pink and orange. Each color has 2 hand bells and 2 shaker instruments.,Fun Jingle Bells: These wrist band jingle bells are suitable for children to play with. They have a crisp sound and bright color of the wristband, which can train children's hearing and vision. Each wristband has 4 professional bells, and each bell has2 balls, which can make a better sound than a single ball.,Interesting Egg Shaker: These basic shaker musical instruments for kids are ideal choices for early learning toys, rhythm work for children, or school classroom music. You can also make artistic creations on egg shakers and make Easter eggs.,Nice Details: The bright color of the wristband can attract the baby's attention and bring them more fun. The Velcro with adjustable wristband size is suitable for children over 6 years old, and they are also suitable for adults.,Easy and Fun - Egg shakers are a fun and easy way to learn about the foundations of rhythm, they can be played alone or with other percussion instruments like cajons, bongos, djembes, or congas.