Video game storage tower and 2 universal controller holders. Hold up to 14 games and 2 controllers. Compatible with Playstation PS5, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox Series X controllers and game discs.,The video game stand is made of sturdy ABS plastic and includes all necessary wall plugs and screws to mount the video game holder tower on the wall. The ideal Playstation game storage solution.,The video games organizer is designed to be mounted on the wall. The controller wall mounts can be fixed with adhesive tape or screws. Drill and 7mm drill bit required for game tower installation.,Space saving design, the video game tower saves space and keep your games, controllers and headphones neat and tidy. Showcase your games and controllers.,Package includes wall mounted game disc tower, 2 x controller wall mounts, 7 wall anchors, 6 screws, 2 adhesive pads. Drill and 7mm drill bit required for video game stand installation.