New styles and games:The appearance of this game console is brand new. Built-in 218 new exciting educational puzzle games. And your lovely babies will be really enjoying this. And it will be a timeless classic for the 5-14 year old kids.,Simple Arcade Style: 3.0" color display, ensuring portability, while also taking into account the comfort of the games. Tailored for children, easy to use and quick to master. The five year old operated it with no problems.Of course, as an adult gamers also can find pleasure in it.,Uninterrupted energy: Built-in a rechargeable lithium battery, providing a steady stream of energy for your child's happiness. It also eliminates the parents from buying and replacing batteries frequently.In addition, you can also use AAA battery or Micro USB, dual power supply design, very practical.,Perfect for playing on the go:Convenient size ,lightweight and 3.5MM headphone output, it is perfect for playing on the go. With the earphone jack that most retro game consoles don't have, you can avoid affecting people around you or being affected by noisy environments.,Perfect Gift for Kids: Looking for a unique and exciting gift for a child? This handheld game console is the ideal choice. This handheld game console is not only fun but also educational, making it an ideal present for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion.