ENHANCED SENSORY PLAY THROUGH PREMIUM SOUND: Sensory toy musical instruments for toddlers 1-3 enhance rhythm awareness, hand-eye coordination, and overall child sensory development. Perfect for nurturing intelligence through fun and engaging play.,SUPPORT TUMMY TIME, MOTOR SKILLS AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: This vibrant set of baby musical instruments encourages crawling, motor skills and enhance sensory skills, coordination, and creativity with various tones, volumes, and rhythms.,SPECIAL LOVE FOR THE SPECIAL NEEDS COMMUNITY: Sensory play is crucial for all kids, but especially vital for those with Special Needs. Edushape is proud to support many Special Needs families with our therapy and play toys!,PERFECT GIFT: Edushape kids musical toys are easy to wrap making them an excellent gift for birthdays, baby shower, Christmas, Hanukkah, celebrating with music and rhythm for baby boys and girls.,WHAT'S INSIDE: An 8-inch plastic rainstick rainmaker toy, hand drum, maracas-like shape shakers, and bell music instruments for toddlers 1-3. Music set meeting the latest safety standards free from BPA and Phthalates. Suitable for ages 12 months and up.