STURDY METAL CASE: The 2024 version of the watch is made of sturdy metal material with 2 glass screen protectors that protect against bumps and drops and withstand everyday kids wear and tear. Unlike other kids watches in the market, our kids watch comes with a braided silicone band that is soft, more non-slip, skin-friendly and breathable.,26 PUZZLE GAMES: The kids smart watch comes preloaded with 26 puzzle and learning games for ages 3-12 to keep them entertained and stimulate their brains at the same time. There is also a newly added parental control mode that makes it easily manage and restrict game time.,EDUCATIONAL LEARNING TOYS: In addition to being a fun electrical toys, the smart watch for kids also has a educational learning features, an storybook player reads stories out loud to foster a love of reading, kids watches encourage exploration with built-in storybook and touch screen for words and picture learning.,SELFIE CAMERA: The boy watches comes with a selfie camera so kids can take photos to capture all their adventures. Preloaded with 10 photos stickers, explore the fun of photography with our kids smart watch boys. With the built-in memory card card, can easily save up to 3,000 photos and over 30 minutes of video.,HD IPS TOUCHSCREEN: Our smart watch for kids features a 1.5inch HD IPS touchscreen display for intuitive navigation for little hands. It has a habit tracking function, which is not found in traditional watches, to help kids develop good habits.,USEFUL TOOLS: Comes with lot of useful functions, video recording, flashlight, alarm clock, timer, stopwatch, calendar, MP3 music player, entertainment and education seamlessly merge, unlocking endless possibilities for your child. Perfect birthday gift for boys girls.