PERFECT COMPATIBILITY: Wireless controller is fully compatible with Nintendo switches and perfect support Nintendo and video games.,PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION :The switch controller with 2 back programming buttons, there are two modes, which are single programming or multi-programming. Then you can operate more comfortably and centrally with other fingers.It can last for more than a few years with heavy use.,POWERFUL FUNCTION : Featuring dual vibration motors that provide you with excellent vibration feedback to enhance the immersion of the game. With a 6-axis gyro sensor, this controller detects the tilt of the controller and reacts quickly, giving you a realistic gaming experience and recording all the exciting scenes with screenshots.,TURBO FUNCTION:The wireless switch controller can be set to auto TURBO or manual TURBO mode. There are 3 adjustable speed: 5shots/s, 12 shots/s or 20 shots/s. You also can customize the TURBO button, A/B/X/Y/L/ZL/R/ZR all buttons can be set to TURBO, which make it easier to win an Shooting or action game.,HIGH PERFORMANCE BATTERY: The switch pro controller f with 550 MAH large capacity battery, but it just need 2-3 hours to charge fully. Switch controllers pro can run for 10 hours, make sure you can enjoy games longer without interruption.