DIVERSE EXPRESSION SET: With over 60 magnetic pieces and 20 emotion cards, children can enjoy endless entertainment by mixing and matching the adorable characters with various expressions, fostering creativity and imaginative play.,EDUCATIONAL AND ENGAGING: Make learning fun as kids explore facial cues, express their emotions, and enhance their emotional vocabulary through interactive play sessions.,SELF-DISCOVERY: This unique magnetic set encourages children to create and mimic facial expressions, prompting them to reflect on their feelings and develop better empathy and emotional understanding, promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence.,PLAYFUL PACKAGING: The colorful tin box serves as a convenient storage solution and doubles as a canvas for all the expressive creations, ensuring organized and mess-free playtime.,SCREEN-FREE ENTERTAINMENT: Nurture empathy and imagination through active, creative, hands-on play, providing a refreshing break from screens and encouraging social interaction and emotional exploration.,SUITABLE FOR AGES 4-12: Perfect for children of various ages, this magnetic expression set offers versatile and engaging play experiences for kids to enjoy and learn from.