THREE IN ONE GAME - Enjoy a trio of Tic-Tac-Toe themed games in one box, perfect for groups of 1-4 players. Ideal for family game nights or friend gatherings, it offers quick-to-start fun for players of all ages.,INFINITE TIC-TAC-TOE - Experience the classic game like never before with Infinite Tic-Tac-Toe mode. Choose between head-to-head mode or playing against an adaptive AI that adjusts its difficulty based on the player's skill level. Say goodbye to endless draws and embrace a fresh and engaging challenge every time.,MEMORY FLASH - Test and enhance your memory with our Memory Flash game. Keep your focus sharp as you identify and recall the light sequences. Try to clear all 9 progressive difficulties in one go to beat the game!,COVER-UP TIC-TAC-TOE - Each piece comes in three sizes, and on each turn, you can place or move a piece. Larger pieces can cover smaller ones—connect three of your color to win! This strategy board game is perfect for exercising critical thinking and reasoning skills.,AN IDEAL GIFT FOR ALL AGES - Compact and portable design is easy to handheld and perfect for on-the-go fun. A perfect holiday gift and road trip car activities for kids 3 and up (Christmas/ Thanksgiving/ Easter/ Stocking Stuffer/Birthday). Bring it to your next family gathering!,Material: Plastic