Competition Shooting Game: Comes with 2 popper guns allowed more players to participate in the game, children can get joy and friendship in the game. Package content: 1 movable duck target, 2 popper guns, 2 pairs of glasses, 36 soft balls.,Upgrade Target: Open the switch, then when you shoot score, the duck will move randomly. You have to catch up and shoot to get a higher score.,How to Score: The electronic LCD scoreboard only starts score when you are precisely shot to the tongue of the duck. The one with high scores will win.,Great Gift Choice: This shooting game kit will be a very good gift for your little one, it can exercise your child's hand-eye coordination skills, as well as stimulate your child's competitive awareness.,Parent-child Interaction: We hope that children can play with their parents. Under the guidance of parents, children can definitely become an excellent shooter.