Dazzing Hover Soccer Ball: The hover soccer is made from toxic-free materials. With an upgraded performance motor, the hover ball is more reliable and hovers higher, ensures high quality gliding stability and long lasting durability. The hover ball would get flashing when turned on, colorful soccer ball make it preferred by children.,Boy Toys Hover Soccer Ball: LED lights with changing colors help to attract kid's attention and plus making your kid's night game more than once, to get the sports of competitive power and release pressure. Hover soccer ball need to power by 4xAA batteries (Not Include).,Indoor Sport Training Toy: The soft and flexible foam bumper not only can protect the kids from getting hurt but also to protect your furniture and others things from damaging. The light up soccer ball floats on it's own air cushion, which helps it glide and rebound easily. Really cool option for playing football safely and securely in the house for your kids.,Keep Away from Screen-based Play: The hover soccer toy equips with powerful motor that allow you to play in various ways cause it can slide on any smooth surface, build a whole team with your family and friends, and play with this smart soccer ball. You and your kids can enjoy the same fun at home as outdoors to promote parent-child relationship.,Perfect Ideal Gifts For Kids: Hover soccer ball makes the perfect toy for any soccer game on a smooth surface, whether your kids are inside or outside the house, provides time for enjoyment and exercise for all ages. This indoor air soccer is a fantastic Birthday, Christmas gift for kids, also it is the most special football gifts for boys and girls.