A Blast from the Past: Cut your kids' boredom on the road with our ring toss handheld game! This shark-shaped game from YoYa Toys is a great way to let your little ones experience what playing before looks like.,Handheld & Travel-Friendly: Turn off those glowing devices and let our handheld game take over! With its portable design, it's one of the ideal kid essentials to bring wherever the family goes.,Not Your Usual Mediocre Quality: You'll never find another games for kids handheld like ours! Its high-quality construction and adorable aqua theme make it a long-lasting piece in a kids' collection.,Colorful Gift-Worthy Box: Comes in a beautiful box that you can wrap for the next memorable occasion! Ideal not just for a kid's entertainment, but also for their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.,Great Party Favors or Stocking Stuffers:Make every gift count when you get our game phone for underwater-themed party supplies and more!