3-in-1 Car Phone Mount: Cell phone holder car can be mounted on the windshield, dashboard, or air vent, making it perfect for any car or truck. It's also a great assistant for Uber and Lyft drivers.,Powerful Suction Cup: iPhone holder for car is equipped with super sticky suction and a double lock design for smooth and stable mounting when driving. To restore adhesion, simply rinse the sticky surface with warm water and wipe it dry.,Flexible Telescopic Arm: Cell phone car mount features a rotating 360-degree ball for increased comfort and a safer driving experience. Car phone holder designs an improved telescopic arm that can be adjusted from 3.7 inches to 5.9 inches for various viewing angles.,Full Phone Protection: Phone holder for truck with vacuum silicone rubber and thick panels that provide full protection for your phone from scratches and drops, even at high speeds, bumps, or turns,Device Compatibility: Truck cell phone holder is compatible with 4.0-7 inch cellphones including iPhones or Android devices even with thick cases. Phone car holder mount has a one-touch release button, allowing you to release your phone with one hand while driving.