All-Round Protection - These protective sleeves are suitable for 1/8" wire rope in level wooden posts. They eliminate direct contact between wood posts and cables, preventing the wire rope from frictional wear and vibration.,Modern Neat Look - These cable protector sleeves can cover and hide unsightly holes and protect the cable from rubbing against posts. With small heads, they provide a cleaned finish for your cable railing system.,High-Quality Material - These cable railing hardware are constructed from marine-grade T316 stainless steel, which has superb resistance to rust, corrosion, and harsh weather conditions.,Specification & Installation - The package includes 50 stainless steel protective sleeves and 1 drill bit that matches the protectors. After drilling a hole with the drill bit, insert the protectors and thread the wire through the hole. It's easy to install, especially for beginners.,Wide Application - The cable railing protective sleeves can be used for balconies, porch or decks, good for indoor or outdoor deck cable railing system applications.