Risk-free 365-day trial: We're so confident you'll love this cabinet hinge that we're offering you a 365-day trial to try it, if this cabinet knobs does not perform to your satisfaction, return it for replacement or full refund.,Simple Look : The Black cabinet knobs have a wide appeal across a range of kitchen cabinet doors and drawers. The Matte Black knobs have a clean and timeless look that works with farmhouse, vintage, traditional and transitional styles.,Durable Design : With advanced technique, the door pulls are made to be long-lasting, accompanied with good looking and fine touch.,EURO-STYLE : The cabinets knobs is an ideal way to beautify an entire room. Make cabinet hardware a part of your home décor today,Measurement : Diameter 1-1/10“ ; Base Diameter: 3/5" ; Height: 3/4".