2-IN-1 BEAN BAG TOSS GAME: Enjoy a versatile indoor and outdoor game with a Animal-themed corn hole game that offers two gameplay options – an easier horizontal bean bag toss and a more challenging vertical dart game. Children can explore a variety of gaming experiences, from throwing bean bags to accurately darting sticky balls.,STABLE AND DURABLE DESIGN: Crafted from high-quality polyester with a stable base featuring high elastic flat wire, this corn hole board offers a stable structure capable of withstanding high-impact force. Reinforced edges and corners ensure durability, and the included ground nails help secure the board in windy outdoor conditions.,EASY ASSEMBLY AND STORAGE: Setting up the game is a breeze – simply open the package and attach the magic stickers to both sides of the corn hole board. The set comes with a storage bag and instructions, making it convenient to carry to the park, yard, beach, or any other outdoor location, meeting all your portability needs.,FUN AND CHALLENGING OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: This bean bag toss game keeps children engaged in physical play, encouraging them to step away from electronic devices. They can set their own game rules and enjoy bean bag toss or dart games, fostering creativity and motor skills while bringing joy and laughter to kids and families.,IDEAL GIFT FOR KIDS: The set includes a double-sided play game board with 10 bean bags, 6 sticky balls, a storage bag, and a manual, making it a perfect birthday gift for boys and girls aged 3-8. Whether it's for the beach, yard, lawn, backyard, party, or carnival outdoor games, this toy enhances number recognition and counting skills while providing a fun outdoor gaming experience.