Vibrant Variety - Our package includes 5PCS sports balls in different lively colors, providing a rich array of options for users to choose from.,Convenient Inflation - Equipped with 1PC sleek inflatable pump (Inflat needle places inside of the handle of pump ), users can easily inflate and deflate the balls at their convenience, adding an extra layer of convenience to the play experience. Comes with a mesh storage bag for easy storage and carrying.,Versatile Play - Perfect for learning catch games, these balls are also ideal for pool or bathtub fun. The bouncing kickballs contributes to the sensory and flexibility development of children, offering a versatile play experience.,Kid-Friendly Design - The 4-6-inch size (after fully inflating), suitable for children, ensures a safe and enjoyable playtime. The rubber material is both durable and soft, making it easy for little hands to grip and throw.,Perfect Gift for All Ages - Whether it's a delightful present for toddlers who love the vibrant colors or a thoughtful gift for parents, teachers, or therapists, these balls serve multiple purposes – from sensory toys to party essentials, making them an excellent choice for any occasion.