Football, Soccer, Basketball - The set comes with 3 soft sports balls and a pump for your little toddler. The balls come in the perfect size of 5" making this perfect for little hands to easily play with.,Safety First - The toddler sports balls are made of top quality PVC material to ensure the utmost durability and safety. The bright colored balls are made to withstand tough play and are resistant to fading.,Easy And Fun - With the included pump, the balls are easy to inflate. Each one of the balls are detailed to look like the original sport ball. The balls are bouncy and super fun for kids.,Indoor and Outdoor - The balls are great for both indoor and outdoor use. Additionally, the balls are safe for toddlers, children, and pets. The set will encourage hours of creative fun and play either on their own or with a partner.,Hours of Fun Play - The soccer, football, and basketball set is the perfect one for children of all ages. The set is especially great for your little ones to enjoy hours of fun play with their favorite sports games.
Set of Three Fun Sports Balls!
The balls come with a pump to easily inflate the balls.
Inspire Hours of Creative Play Indoors or Outdoors!
A must-have for all types of indoor or outdoor activities, like handball, kickball, dodgeball games, parties and festive events, classroom rewards, piñata games, and lots more
These bright-colored sports balls are perfect for home, school, or the playground.
Set Includes:
1x 5" Basketball
1x 5" Soccer Ball
1x 5" Football
Why New Bounce:
New Bounce is known for providing quality products at outstanding value.
Our mission is to provide your children with toys, games, and play accessories that they can enjoy for years to come.
So rest assured that you are buying the best of the best.
If you ever have any issue with any of our products, our friendly customer service team is standing by to take your call and resolve the matter.