FEATURED ON TOP NETWORKS: Experience a new level of fun with our flashing LED finger rockets, as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX. Watch them glow and fly high, captivating children of all ages.,EXCELLENT QUALITY: Our rockets, crafted from sturdy foam and equipped with high-performance LEDs, are designed to last, giving your child an enduring play experience.,SAFE AND ENJOYABLE: Our flashing LED finger rockets, made of soft, scuff-free foam, guarantee hours of safe fun. They glow in the dark, adding an extra touch of excitement to night-time play.,PERFECT FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR: Swap screen time for active, exhilarating play with our LED rockets. They're perfect for indoor and outdoor use, encouraging a lively, glowing game time.,LOVED BY KIDS AND PARENTS: Discover the thrill of glow-in-the-dark games with our superior quality finger rockets. They bring non-stop fun and safe play, making them a favorite for both kids and parents.