High-Quality Ball Set: Our beach toys was made by 100% high-quality material, not fragile, softer balls to keep the racket from being damaged again.,Funny Toss and Catch Ball Games: Our outdoor games include 6 balls and 3 paddles, 1 exquisite storage. It is easy to play, one side throws the ball and the other catch the ball. This game can be played by 2-6 people, which is flexible and funny to bring both kids and adults together to play the game.,Perfect Outdoor Sports Racket: Are you still worrying about the lack of company for your kids because of busy work? This games for kids ages 4-8 can help you. You can play the toss and catch game with your kids on your backyard anytime, so please start to enjoy your funny family time now!,Play Anytime Anywhere: The sand toys are suitable for the backyard, beach, lawn, park, etc. You can play the game with your family, friends, and classmates to have a lot of fun. Great for kids’ party, camping trips and other activities.,Great to Enhance the Child's Physical Fitness: Are you still worried about your child's addiction to electronics?This outdoor games can help you. Our outdoor toys can exercise kids hand-eye coordination and arm muscles, always keep kids active and heathy. Toss game needs at least 2 players, which is a good way to promote interaction among friends and family members.