PROTECTION: Hygiene is essential for your family's health and safety. Use our wipes on hard surfaces for a convenient way to clean areas around your home or office. Keep yourself and your family protected using our EPA list N wipes.,MULTI-SURFACE USE: These cleaning wipes are durable and can be used on hard, nonporous surfaces. Use these household essentials on kitchen surfaces, including glass and stainless steel. Use them to clean door handles, mobile phones, toys, and other nonporous surfaces.,EASY TO USE: Our cleaning supplies come in a resealable plastic canister that allows easy access with its flip-cap packaging. The cleaning wipes dispenser also provides convenient storage that keeps the wipes moist. The cleaning wipes have a lemon scent that can freshen any surface on contact. Herclean Wipes are also available in resealable flatpack packaging.,EXCELLENT VALUE: Each wipe is 7" x 7", allowing you to wipe clean a larger area in one go. You may only need one wipe for a smaller desk or device. They can be used as kitchen wipes and bathroom cleaning wipes, providing you with a versatile wipe to use around the home. It's also ideal for institutional, industrial, and commercial use.,ABOUT US: Concentric Health Alliance is formed by leading industry professionals focused on providing products and medical supplies designed to promote and support health and safety. Our most popular inventory includes gloves, medical wipes, surgical masks, and infrared thermometers.