High Quality: 15.7"x11.8" backboard is made of high-quality, shatter-resistant backboard with protective foam padding to minimize noise. Basketballs made from PBA-free materials. This ensures the safety and well-being of players, offering a non-toxic, environmentally friendly option for your basketball games.,Slam dunk like a pro: With a maximum angle of up to 45 degrees, show off slam dunks anytime and anywhere. The spring instantly bounces the rim back into place for ultimate durability.,Upgrade Wall & Door Mount: This Door Mounted Mini Basketball Hoop Set can be easily hung on the door - it fits all common size doors at home or office - or mounted on the wall and fence. It‘s suitable for indoor and outdoor. Perfect detachable design greatly saves storage space and is easy to be assembled everywhere.,Complete Set: Includes steel-rim basket, ball net, backboard, 4 rubber basketballs, air pump, and mounting hardware with detailed installation instructions.,Ideal Gift for Kids: Develop interest in basketball and say goodbye to video games and TV dramas. Perfect for birthdays and Christmas for kids and basketball fans of all ages.