7 RGB LEDs SUPER BRIGHT:Our ligh-up soccer ball has a total of 7 LEDs that work for 4-5 hours even on the dark nights, at playgrounds, on beaches, or even on camps. When not in use, the lights automatically turn off after 30 seconds, saving you money by using rechargable batteries inside.,IMPACT ACTIVATED:7 cool lighting effects - with just one touch, this LED soccer lights up from the inside; switch colors with one simple touch. Color changes even in the air. Adding unique colors to your game makes you stand out from the crowd and impress your friends. Perfect sense of gaming experience.,DURABLE:Made of high quality foam and impact-resistant plastic, it can withstand intense play and does not need to replace batteries, which saves money. Perfectly designed for outdoor toys!,BATTERY INCLUDED:Easy to recharge with the 400 mAh super-large capacity lithium battery pre-installed inside; fully charged and ready to be used! Smart sensors ensure the battery won't run out when not playing games.,BEST GIFT: Extraordinary gift for young and old, surprising all soccer fans and providing endless entertainment for players of all ages.