2 in 1 Bean bag toss game:The set includes 10 beanbags, 10 balls and 4 ground nails.Hole board and the dart board are combined into one, and the two sides can switch back and forth to enjoy different game modes.,Safe and durable:Made of high-quality thick fabric, no sharp edge and durable. It does not take up space, an indoor and outdoor tossing game that kids love.,Portable and collapsible:Lightweight folding frame, easy to set up and store, easy to carry when traveling. Bean bag toss game keep children away from electronic screens and play anytime, anywhere.,Sports exercise toys:This is a great toy for kids.Fun and safe bean bag toss and will help with learning to take turns and get a little exercise.Play with the children and enjoy a great parent-child time.,Perfect gift:For holiday or birthday gift choices, kids are excited to receive it.This bean bag toss game will bring the greatest happiness to kids and the whole family.