Outdoor Toys For Kids - Play catch with the classic game set from the 90s. Comes with 4 paddles and 4 sticky balls and a storage bag. Suitable for all ages. Fun kids or family games for the pool, beach, yard and playground. Great easter gifts for kids.,Built To Last - This toss and catch game set is built with waterproof paddings and stronger stiches.3 times more durable than competition. Perfect for outdoor beach pool yard camping games and lawn games or PE classes.,Improves Kids' Fitness - As the little ones have a blast, they get to develop their hand-eye coordination and motor skills with every successful throw and catch. Help kids learn basics of throwing and catching baseball.,Tons Of Outdoor Fun - A toss and catch game kids will relish and adults won’t get enough of! The hooh and loop feature makes this game really special. This means less time spent running around trying to catch a loose ball and more time spent having fun with friends and family.,Perfect Gifts For Kids - Classical 90S catch ball set will be a perfect birthday easter Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 year old boys and girls. Conveniently storage by exquisite gift box and storage bag and enjoy outdoor fun with your kids families or friends wherever you go