Compact Size: This kitchen table set is specially designed for users whose space is limited that the two chairs can be pushed under the table to save more space and keep your room tidier. However, the area of each piece is broad enough for you to fully enjoy every meal with your friend or partner.,Easy Maintaining: The whole dining set is covered by a water- and scratch-proof coating. Such treatment can greatly facilitate your daily maintenance that a damp cloth is all you need to refresh the set. Besides, under proper utilization, such a surface is uneasy to get stained or frayed, making it as good as new for a long time.,Great Weight Capacity: Featuring selected materials as well as a reasonable and stable structure, this set features great weight capacity. Table: 45 kg/ 99 lb; Each chair: 130 kg/ 287 lb.,Optimal Hidden Storage Space: Below one short side of the dining table arranges a 3-layer storage shelf for accommodating and displaying items. These 8.9 inch deep shelves come in 3 different heights to meet your needs. You don’t have to place all your stuff on the tabletop so that a neat and spacious tabletop space can be left.,Extra Durable & Stable: We have always given the top priority to the materials. The qualified PU leather, engineered wood and iron are selected for ensuring odor-free, safe and durable of this set for long time use. Besides, under each piece arranges a reinforced structure for extra stability.