Strong and Scure: Constructed out of steel, the sliding door security bar can withstand extreme pressure of up to 400 lbs, providing durable and reliable home security. The rubber feet increase friction and prevent the door frame from being scratched.,Length Adjustable: This steel burglar proof window security bars can be adjusted to perfectly fit any sliding window or patio glass door between 18” to 51” in either height or width. Please check the spring buttons and secure pins are in place after installation.,Peach of Mind: Installing these sliding door lock bar can significantly reduce the risk of burglary, accidents by kids falling through windows, and pets from using it as an escape route. The upgraded pin lock option helps with extra security.,Easy Install and Remove for Emergency: Just connect the rods and extend to the length you need, our window bar can held in the window track and lock in place. This home security bar can also get off quickly when you need to escape through the window for an emergency.,Worry-Free Purchase: With sliding door stopper, kids and pets can see outside and get fresh air without the risk. All SKYHAW product are covered by a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 12-Month Guarantee. Please feel free to contact us for any questions.