Henna and Argon Oil : Gently purifies hair follicles, creating an optimal environment for healthy growth. Additionally, it goes beyond cleansing, offering nourishment that reinforces the hair shaft, promoting its resilience and shine. the natural shield against heat, Argan Oil envelops each strand to preserve its structural integrity and vibrant appearance.,Avocado Oil and Coconut Oil : Recognized for its deep moisturizing properties, Avocado Oil penetrates hair strands, infusing them with essential hydration that enhances overall strength. A natural frizz-fighter, Coconut Oil's deep-penetrating abilities help to tame unruly hair, leaving it smoother and more manageable, all while adding a healthy dose of shine,Grape Seed Oil and Collagen : With its lightweight texture, Grape Seed Oil effectively thickens hair, adding volume and strength to each strand, contributing to an overall fuller and healthier appearance. Collagen: A key player in boosting hair growth proteins, Collagen provides essential building blocks that encourage the development of stronger, longer hair, helping to create a fuller and more vibrant look.,HOW TO USE: Apply a dime-sized amount to clean hair (wet or dry). Style or let dry naturally. Spread evenly from root to tip to help tame frizz and help prevent split ends.,RECOMMENDED: We highly recommend that every person performs a patch test prior to use of any product to check for possible allergic reactions especially if you have sensitive skin. Never use product on skin with irritation, cuts, and abrasions.