Safety Protection Design: Made of all-aluminum alloy, the sturdy door reinforcement lock can withstand 800 lbs of force, fixed with 4 screws. Child locks for door, Equipped with four long and four short screws, a total of 8 screws. A must-have choice for providing extra door security to home safety.,Easy to Install: The safety door lock can be installed within 5 minutes with an electric drill and a screwdriver. The family quickly gained a sense of security. The special design allows you to quickly unlock it under any circumstances to avoid accidents. If the frame is too thick, it may not fit your door. Please check the image to see if our product is suitable for your door.,Unlock in One Second: Reach out and press the upper and lower grooves of the reinforced door lock and pull horizontally to the fully unlocked state to unlock. Unlocking and locking can be completed within a second with a little contact. The most convenient and fast door security device.,Get Rid of Unsafe Neighborhoods: Give your home, your apartment an extra layer of security in unsafe neighborhoods. The Rerishom safety door lock is stronger than 12 ordinary deadbolts, and it is designed for women living alone, the elderly and families with young people.,5-Year After-Sales Service: Rerishom is committed to providing security for American families. We provide a 5-year after-sales guarantee for our products. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.