85% Polyester , 15% Polyamide,Ultimate Cleaning Trio: The Pink Stuff Microfiber Collection includes three specialized cloths – one for glass, one for all-purpose cleaning, and one for polishing – providing a complete solution for all your cleaning needs.,Streak-Free Shine: Achieve a flawless, streak-free finish on windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces with the Glass Cloth. Perfect for making your glass surfaces sparkle without any smudges or residues.,Versatile All-Purpose Cloth: Tackle any cleaning task with the All-Purpose Cloth. Its highly absorbent microfiber material effectively lifts dirt, dust, and grime from any surface, making it ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and more.,Brilliant Polish Finish: Restore the shine to your furniture, appliances, and other surfaces with the Polish Cloth. This cloth is designed to buff and polish to a brilliant finish, leaving your home looking its best.,Eco-Friendly and Reusable: Save money and reduce waste with these durable, reusable cloths. The Pink Stuff Microfiber Collection can be washed and reused multiple times, making them an eco-friendly alternative to disposable wipes and paper towels.,Superior Microfiber Quality: Made from high-quality microfiber, these cloths are ultra-soft, non-abrasive, and safe to use on all surfaces. They effectively trap dust and particles without scratching or damaging surfaces.,Effortless Cleaning: Simplify your cleaning routine with the power of microfiber. These cloths require minimal effort and no harsh chemicals, providing a natural and effective way to clean your home.
The Pink Stuf Microfiber cleaning cloths are the perfect addition to any home.