Versatile Display Options: Turn your laptop into a workstation with DisplayPort, two HDMI, and a VGA output. Allow you to extend up to three monitors through HDMI, VGA, and DisplayPort/HDMI.,Extensive Connectivity: Enjoy multiple connections with 3 x USB-A 5Gbps ports, 1 USB-C 5Gbps port, Gigabit Ethernet, SD/microSD card slots, and a combo audio jack.,Powerful USB-C 100W Power Delivery: Comes with a PD 100W power adapter. Efficiently power and charge your laptops with up to 100W Power Delivery, while supporting connected peripherals through the USB-C power adapter.,Cutting-Edge Design for Performance: All 13 ports are combined into one slim docking station. Advanced heat-eliminating design prevents overheating, and the double-sided cable storage compartment allows flexible cable placement.,Universal Compatibility: Compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 and macOS 10.11 or later. Driver installation and a USB-C 3.1 5Gbps port with Display Alt-mode and Power Delivery are required.